Sunday, August 19, 2007


JIMMY: Try hard muzza nation with a slash of metro but wat can u say jimmy is jimmy and he says the most retarted things at the worst times so it major lol

Kathleen: is muzza nation, and is lookin very hot atm with those legs, but can grind up on anybosy especially george, (or jimmy grinding on her) !!!

Harry: LOL olivia niki ROFL muzza there isnt muh more u can say ... o yer dosnt stick up for himself. roflmao

Dylan: The most stylish kid with the biggest ass excpt for kathleen ever. ZMG wat a fashion sence.

Rosie: Barbie lolz strangly she is smart for a blond though which sort of recs the fun.

EWan and patricia: NAWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Statement of intention

My intention for this story is to create a narrator who is unreliable in telling the story correctly.
I will do this by having my character named Tony, slowly loosing his mind over drugs. His voice will change from time to time though as he goes in and out of the power the LSD has on him, this will be shown by him in a hallucinogenic state, thinking he is in a totally different world that seems real and every crazy thing that is going on around him is perfectly normal even if he thinks he is talking to a pink mouse that is 8 foot tall and then will wake up with no idea were he is or what he has done and his voice will change back to normal. When he is sober his distinctive voice will seem paranoid but smart at the same time, by realizing how his mind is slowly crumbling away, he is smart because in the beginning he was a top median student (but then blew it) so he does have brains but is paranoid by the harmful effects of the drug. To add more stress to his life, it is set in Detroit U.S.A in the ghetto suburbs at present date, with him as a poor white man in a black community, barley getting by and blowing all of his extra dollars on more LSD making him seem scared and left out form time to time. The only thing that keeps him together and doesn’t make him seem like a complete loony is his friend and LSD provider David. When David is around Tony’s voice becomes a lot more calm and straight because of the probable fact that he is about to get more drugs and the other fact that the only person in the world who cares about him is standing right next to him.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Animal farm essay

Topic: Discuss the ways the ideals animal farm begins with are corrupted.

it’s the pigs in animal farm that change the ideals and dreams

3 arguments:

  • Equality changes to dictatorship
  • The changing of the commandments
  • The idea of freedom becomes slavery

They say dreams are the most important thing to a person animal or not it’s what keeps you driving towards a goal and if you think about it keeps you from boredom or even insanity. But in George Orwell‘s Animal farm it’s the pigs that change the ideals and dreams because things as they do naturally change. Equality changes into dictatorship, the commandments change from pleasant to obscene and the idea of freedom becomes slavery. Which all show the power hungry, hypercritical ways of the pigs. It’s almost like racism how we say everyone’s equal but there are still those who think better of themselves then others.

Equality changes into a dictatorship which corrupts the ideals in animal farm because the pigs think they are better and much more important than everybody else on the farm. Slowly and slyly the pigs made these changes to the equality starting off by taking the milk and the apples for themselves all because according to squealer “Milk and apples (this has been proved by science comrades) to contain substances absolutely necessary to the well being of a pig. We pigs are brainworkers.” Then this gradually turned into the pigs taking over all the animals’ lives and even acting like humans so the rebellion was for nothing. But the equality was not the only thing that changed gradually, the rules also took this affect.

The changing of the commandments corrupts everything in animal farm because it allows the pigs to do and get away with anything they wont. Some of the rules they break include the contact with humans, the use of human possessions, the growing of beer and most importantly the killing of another animal which happens on more than one occasion and the pigs didn’t show one bit of remorse or concern for the others. This tells me that the pigs never wanted the great equal land they promised at the start, all they were looking out for was numero uno. But worst of all they got caught and then changed the rules to make sure that the other animals would still trust them. For example “Every one is equal, but some are more equal than others” which is probably the worst change of the rules because it simply says “I can decide who is better than the others just because I am smarter that you.” It’s not only bad to lie to your brethren but to make them your slaves when you promised them freedom is just savage.

The idea of freedom becomes corrupted into slavery when the farm gets over thrown by the pigs, because the animals have no power and the pigs have worked them down to worse off then when Jones was the owner. They had done this so well that even the other farmers congratulated the pigs on it. As Mr Pilkington says” I believe that the lower animals on Animal farm did more work and received less food than any animals in the country” Telling us that the pigs have become so corrupt that they are now worse than the humans. At the beginning old major talks about the vast plains of freedom, abundant supply of food and little labour that they will have to do but this soon turns to darkness because of the pigs greed and lust to be as powerful as they can. But the greatest insult of all, that completely destroyed the dreams and ideals of the animals, was changing the name of animal farm back to the title Manor farm, which was thought to be in the time everyone wanted to forget, the very enemy and purpose of the rebellion.

Overall we now know that the ideals and dreams of the old animal farm have been mutated and sickly twisted into a greedy one sided factory. This is because of equality changing into dictatorship, the commandments changing from pleasant to obscene and the idea of freedom becoming slavery. We can only hope that the real people in Russia in which this book was based, who have already over come this communism can get their lives back to what it was for only a short while, right after the rebellion.

Friday, May 11, 2007

"Chapter 6 and 7 show us Napoleon's willingness to distort the truth, to lie and to kill in order to retain and increase his control of Animal Farm."

Contention: Napoleons willingness to distort the truth, to lie and to kill in order to stay superior in animal farm is emphasized in chapter 6 and 7.

3 reasons why:
The terror.
The changing of the rules.
The hen’s revolution.

Some say money and power are the greatest things in the world, all of them not giving any sympathy to anyone else but themselves and in Animal farm by George Orwell this is shown greatly by a pig called Napoleon whose willingness to distort the truth, to lie and to kill in order to stay superior in animal farm. Which is also emphasized in chapters 6 and 7. This is shown threw the terror the changing of the rules and the hen’s revolution. But out of all the ways to seize power, death shows the character of the person and what their willing to do.

The terror shows us that napoleon is willing to do anything to retain power. The terror was when napoleon killed all the animals that had “sided” with Snowball, or was a “traitor” against Napoleon. Even though most of the animal’s barley did anything wrong. This showed the animals that napoleon will go to any measure to retain power of the animals but most of all to get rid of all the “traitors” and people plotting against him. Because he is so obsessed with getting power, equality has completely gone out the window and his bloodlust comes out. So to cover up his psychotic behavior he uses poor little Snowball who I think has actually not done anything wrong, as a scape goat for napoleons demented mind. If Napoleon is power Hungary enough to kill then he will probably break the rules to become more powerful.

The changing of the rules shows us how napoleon gets out of trouble when he seizes power. Even though Squealer seemed to be the evil one that changed the rules that night when the animals found him hurt because he had fallen off the ladder changing them, Napoleon is the true bad guy behind this because Napoleon abused his power to tell squealer to do it. Because of all the luxuries napoleon wanted like the beds, beer, to get rid of his “enemies” in the terror, money from Mr. Whymper, and the farm house he needed to once use his power and slightly changed the rules just enough so he could get away with these problems. Of course he made up some absolute bull of a story that all the animals either read it wrong or just have a bad memory, not only the dumb animals like the sheep, but even he said the smart ones forgot like Boxer and Clover. In the first stages of the changing of the rules were napoleon started to trade with humans and the hens were effected greatly, but they didn’t take to kindly to it.

The hen’s “mini” revolution is another pivotal event where napoleon shows his willingness to retain power. In the hen’s revolution napoleon demands 400 eggs per week but the hens refuse saying it is “murder” so they fly up to the top of the rafters and laid there eggs off the roof. So in result Napoleon took away their food so eventually they gave into napoleons demands. In total 12 hens died in their revolution, 9 by starvation and 3, the leaders of the revolution in the terror that napoleon conducted. This again shows that napoleon is willing to kill to retain power, even if it costs a couple of eggs he has to get what he wants and what is apparently good for the farm. It tells me that he dose not care about anyone else until he gets, in this case, his eggs, what he wants. But they’re more than eggs; they will turn into money which will turn into more power, making napoleon even stronger. Yes Napoleon is smart, and yes it was stupid and still is for the animals to follow him. But when did it become necessary to put money and power before blood and your brothers.

So overall Napoleons willingness to distort the truth, to lie and to kill in order to retain and increase his control of Animal Farm is shown mainly threw the terror, the changing of the rules and the hen’s revolution. But what could have sent napoleon on such a greed lust, from the old days of old major, were everyone was equal with no exceptions to the corrupt civilization napoleon now calls animal farm is far beyond me. So we can only hope that the next generation’s leader of animal farm, or Russia, is more like Old major and less like Napoleon.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Chapter 8 Summary

The Battle of the windmill and the mystery of the changing Commandments.
Main events:
There were many discussions between who napoleon should sell the timber to, first Fredrick was the traitor and the pigeons were to spread “death to Fredrick”, then it changed according to napoleons cunning to “death to Pilkington” but the wood was eventually sold to Fredrick.
The Windmill was completed but the machinery still needed to be bought and put on with the wood money.
The money Frederick gave to napoleon for the wood was false, so napoleon put a death sentence on Fredrick.
The next day Fredrick attacked with fifteen men with 6 guns driving the animals back to the farm taking over the windmill, and Pilkington wouldn’t help them out. The humans then used explosives and blew up the windmill so bad it was as if it was never there, so the animals attacked and drove them back losing a cow, three sheep two geese and injuring everyone even napoleon. This was called the battle of the windmill.
The pigs in their celebrating found whisky and the next morning Napoleon appeared to be dying (hangover) so he made alcohol punishable by death but was better the next day. But started work on growing barley to make alcohol.
Squealer was found changing the 7 commandments which was why the animals supposably had bad memories. He changed “No animal shall drink alcohol” to “No animal shall drink alcohol to excess.”
“‘No animal shall kill any other animal with out cause’ Somehow or other the last two words slipped out of the animals memories.” Page 61 Narrator.

“Napoleon was never spoken of simply as “Napoleon”. He was always referred to in formal style as ‘our leader, Comrade Napoleon’, and the pigs liked to invent for him such titles as Father of all animals, terror of mankind, Protector of the sheepfold, duckling’s friend, and the like” Narrator page 62.

“But at this moment the four pigeons who had been sent out on the day before returned, one of them bearing a scrap of paper from Pilkington. On it was pencilled the words ‘Serves you right.’” Narrator page 69.

“What matter? We will build another windmill. We will build six windmills if we feel like it. You do not appreciate, comrade, the mighty thing that we have done. The enemy was in occupation of this very ground that we stand upon. And now – thanks to the leadership of Comrade Napoleon – we have won every inch of it back again!”

Chapter 6 and 7 Focus Questions.

1. Find the rules broken in Chapter 6. Explain the pig’s justification for breaking these rules.
Conducting n trade and activity with the humans on page 44 when napoleon talks with Mr. Whimper. But napoleon said it was for food and the good of the windmill.
On page 45 when the pigs move into the farmhouse which was considered forbidden. Squealer said that the pigs, being the brain workers of the farm needed a quiet place to think.
Napoleon took on the name “leader” on page 45 when it was that all animals are equal. He took up his name because according to him if he wasn’t around Jones would come back.
The pigs slept in the human beds on page 45 when it was said that they are not allowed to. Squealer simply said that the rule was for no sheets, which were a human invention, but the beds were fine.

2. What happens to the windmill? Who do you think is responsible? Do you believe Napoleon's explanation?The windmill falls down in a violent storm, so the storm is responsible and napoleon is making up things to get the animals more on his side and against snowball so he can stay “leader”.
3. After the Terror, what consoles the animals?Many things do including all the animals huddling together for warmth under the windmill, Clover accepting that she would continue work and napoleons leadership even thought she thought it was better when Jones was around and the group singing of “Beasts of England”.
4. Squealer has a whole new story about the battle of the Cowshed. What is it? Why does Boxer have doubts? How does Squealer deal with this?Squealer says that snowball was a traitor from the beginning, being a secret agent for Jones and in the battle of cow shed he was planning to bring animal farm down, but when the animals asked about how he got shot, it was said that it was all part of the plan to make it look like snowball was good. Also Napoleon was said to be the bravest there because when snowball fled and the animals started to panic napoleon attacked Jones and put everybody in order. Boxer doubts this because he thought Snowball fought bravely and then they gave him “Animal hero, first class” straight after, but squealer says that napoleon has proof on paper documents that snowball was with Jones so boxer believes him.
5. What do the hens do? Why? How is it dealt with? What does this tell you about what Animal Farm has become?The hens refuse to give Napoleon their eggs which would be traded for grain and food so the animals could eat because they believed that it was murder taking that many eggs and possibly chicks. This is dealt with by napoleon taking away their rations killing nine hens until they agreed to napoleons demands. This says that Animal farm is becoming a violent almost dictatorship place to live.
6. Why do so many animals confess? Do you believe their confessions? Why or why not.Because the animals who believed they had done something wrong thought that it was their responsibility to confess about dealing with the traitor, snowball. I don’t believe some of the confessions because they talk about seeing snowball in a dream so it didn’t actually happen, so it wasn’t snowballs fault it was their own.

7. What is Boxer's response to the Terror? What does this tell you about how people responded to a similar situation in Russia?Boxer thinks that it is the animals fault not napoleons so he has to, as usual, work harder to impress Napoleon and make sure that napoleon is on his side. This says that in Russia that people were probably to scared to do anything so they just got back to their normal lives and worked at making Russia a better place.
8. Why is Beasts of England banned?
Because according to squealer a song of the Rebellion and now the rebellion is finally over with Jones, snowball and all the other enemies gone they now live in a better society, not one were their looking for a better society, which “Beasts of England” expresses. So it has no perpose.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Author Commentary

Carlos Olson.

This story was written to notify the greed and power hunger of the American president George W Bush Jr and his unfair driving of the American people to get more oil, which would turn into more money and power for him self.

The names in the story make it pretty obvious who I am attacking but I think they are all good play on words and motifs. Like Sodom Husain being changed to So-dam insane, Lio sounding like an exotic substance but originally being oil, George Bush being changed to William (his middle name) Bushly and Q8 which was a simple abbreviated version of the actual Iraq city Kuwait.

There was not too many images in the story but the only obvious ones were So-dam insane being a cockroach and Mr Bushly being a little fat ant.
So-dam insane was a cockroach to show that he was a dirty low level being often as the cockroach is seen as and Mr Bushly was depicted as being a little fat ant to show his greed and immaturity to get what ever he wants to make him more powerful.

Lio is a huge symbol in this story by being the one substance that everybody wants to improve their society and position of power in the world. If you have it in the story you are able to make working hours longer and therefore gain more time to collect crops and do other industrial activities which will eventually end up as money for the population’s leader, while in real life lio, as oil, will make electricity which will make cars and machines run and generate money faster than humans could by them selves.

My sentence lengths were deliberately put in to end when either the day or plans were finished.
The pace was quite the same through the whole story but the creative tension was done by leaving “…” to make the reader guess what would happen next. Like when it says “In and out and back home with plenty of lio was the plan, but oh how wrong Mr Bushly was…” leaving a big hole of what might happen and the reader guessing what it might be, making them want to read on.